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Week 5: Salsa Dancing in Puerto Rico

Week 5: Salsa Dancing in Puerto Rico

I could probably write about a million things in regards to Puerto Rico.  I’m pretty much and expert of all things Puerto Rican since I married one.  I’m also like 25% Puerto Rican, but until I married one, I had no prior knowledge of the 

Week 4 : Dropping Quarters in Niagara Falls

Week 4 : Dropping Quarters in Niagara Falls

Week 4: Dropping Quarters in Niagara Falls Husbands, Fathers, do you ever get home from work, stand outside the front door, take a deep breadth before opening it and say, “Here we go”? If you said yes, we have nothing in common. I’ve never done 

Week 3: Double Date in Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Week 3: Double Date in Emilia-Romagna, Italy

I know I know, I’m a day late in posting to the blog and its only week 3.  I’m getting back into the swing of this so cut me some slack.  I’ve already gotten an earful from the woman.  To the 9 people that read 

Week 2: Taking in all of Napa Valley.

Week 2: Taking in all of Napa Valley.

Welcome to Week 2 of At Home Date Night. I’m going to give myself a quick pat on the back since we’ve made it to week 2 and I haven’t quit.   This is a huge accomplishment.  You see, as soon as you start to make 

Week 1 : Taking a bite out of the Big Apple

Week 1 : Taking a bite out of the Big Apple

Do you ever wonder how the brothers from the Bee Gees could sing in such high-pitched voices?  That’s what was running through my head as I was getting ready for our first at home date night of the year to start.  I shaved, brushed my 

Intro : Our Adventure Through 52 At Home Date Nights

Intro : Our Adventure Through 52 At Home Date Nights

You know what the number 1 thing my wife asked me to get her for Christmas this year was? The screaming goat book and figurine.  Now I don’t know about you, but what the heck even is this? She just started laughing and then showed