Hello, We are the Home Date Night Duo !

My wife and I have been doing Home Date Nights since mid 2014. We set out on a goal to do 52 at home date nights and to blog about them starting in 2015 to share with other couples the importance of investing into your marriage, and to give couples ideas on what they could do at home.

Well, as life sometimes goes, we didn’t meet our goal and ended up at around 20 or so Home Date Nights.

Over the last six months we’ve really seen the need to start setting aside time each week to build our relationship. We started going through our old at Home Date Night blogs and remembered how much fun we were having. So here we are, on a mission to get 52 At Home Date Nights done in 2020.

Why At Home Date Nights ?

Home Date Nights sounds lame? At first, I thought this too. I want to be out in town doing something fun with my wife. Unfortunately, babysitters cost money, eating out expenses are on the rise, and do you really connect when going to the movies?

Sure, you can go bowling, or putt putt, or do an escape room, but date nights are going to cost you around 60-100 bucks, if you are lucky. So why not save some of that cash, cook together some unique and different foods, and plan an activity together making lasting memories. Well, I know why, because that’s a lot of work and who has time to plan all this out?

That’s where we come in. We give you all the necessary recipes and activities along with the costs associated. Husbands, I guarantee if you surprise your wife with an at home date night showing her you took the time to plan something like this out, your marriage will begin to grow and take on a whole new level of closeness and love. So what are you waiting for, follow along with us and she will be thinking about you while your at work instead of Chris Hemsworth.

Is this a Food Blog ?

No, this is not a food blog. Most of the recipe’s, we pull off pinterest or are ideas from friends from the countries we plan to visit. While we will post the recipes, we do it so you have all the items in one place when planning out your own at home date night. So this blog is about building our marriage to be strong for each other, our kids, and our future. We want to build lasting memories and show our kids the importance of putting in effort to their relationships in hopes that one day, they will look for a spouse that sees how important this is.